Sunday, April 24, 2005

The Atrium

I helped teach on 1 Corinthians 11 this morning in the adult class. Paul is writing to the Corinthians about how they are abusing the Lord's Supper. They have split the Christians into socio-economic groups. The rich and the free get to eat in one room and the poor and slaves arrive late and eat in the Atrium. All the late comers get to eat is the leftovers, if there were leftovers.

I told them how I grew up having the "latecomers" (those that came to Sunday night rather than Sunday morning) sent into another room to take communion. And I ask wouldn't it be a better representation of the Lord's Supper if we the body (to use Paul's language) took communion with them? Most agreed from what I saw.

Fast forward to Sunday night. We had our quarterly singing tonight. What happens at the end? They ask if anybody had missed the Lord's Supper this morning. And what do they do? You're right! We send them out. Go figure!