Monday, May 16, 2005

Shocked. . .Not really

One of our local news stations reported a story about an offensive license plate. On the license plate was "John 3-16). A woman who was driving behind the car reported to the State Department of Licensing that she was offended and did not want to be "prayed over" by a license plate and that there is separation between church and state. Since this was a filed complaint, the owner of the plate will have to defend her plate in front of a review committee. She has had the plate for 21 years.

You can read the story by clicking on this link.

I am not shocked at this story. We live in a post-Christian society in America. We have left the times when church and faith was the norm. I live in a state that the majority of the population is nonreligious (and that includes any religion). Not only has America become a secular country, it has rebelled and revolted against Christianity. All religions will be tolerated except Christianity.

I will not be surprised if the owner of the vehicle is required to change her license plate. I will not be surprised if this story gets more involved. Sadly, I will not be surprised if this goes to court or even the Supreme Court of Washington. I believe now more than ever the world needs the message of John 3.16. Christians need to be introducing people to God's love. God loves everyone so much, that. . .

1 comment:

Mike Lewis said...

Glad to hear that the plate's owner won the suit.