Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The View

Last night at 10:34 PM my wife and I went to the backyard and look toward the southern sky. The international space station and the space shuttle were to fly across the sky. We waited with anticipation and excitement. We scanned the sky. Then two bright objects began to come into view and move east.

We watched with pure amazement. I have seen satellites go across the sky. But to watch the space station and the space shuttle was truly a treat. For those brief moments the world became a much smaller place and the universe became a much bigger reality. And Julie and my response was wonder and amazement.

Sure we thought it would be really cool to be up there but I believe our wonder and amazement was rooted in the vastness and mystery of God.

For those few precious moments God was immanent and transcendent. Wow! I must say the View from Earth was truly awesome and I wonder how the view is from God's perspective?

What have been moments like this for you?


Deborah said...

The first time I took communion after Joshua was born was an "awe and amazement" experience for me. For the first time in my life, I could almost understand how hard it must have been for God to watch his Son be tortured and ultimately, killed. I looked at my little three-week old son and thought, "No way, no how, would I give him up for ANYTHING!" How did God do it?

Thanks for allowing me to remember that again. I needed this little recollection today.

Adam Wolfgang said...

I got to watch with my 8 mo old daughter Moriyah, she did not know what we were looking at, but I will tell her when she's older.