Monday, October 31, 2005

Moved Again

I watch Hotel Rwanda again today. I shed tears every time they save the children. One man making a difference that the whole world can see. One man can change the world. Actually he already did. His name is Jesus. As followers of Jesus, we are called to be him now.

Incarnational ministry!

A friend is leaving his ministry position. God will take care of him and his family. I am confident of that. Word to you Mike! Prayers going up for you!

Thursday, October 27, 2005


I attempting to write a parable. I am using a swimming metaphor. I am trying to be blunt but not blunt (much like parables). Hopefully this attempt will do what I am desiring it to do. When it is done I will post it and let you read it.

White Sox rule!

One of my best friends leaves Monday for Iraq. He has already been there once. It wasn't that hard last time, but this time is different. We are much closer. AND, he has a baby girl now. It is going to be tough. I pray God will protect him. Pray a prayer for my friend if you don't mind when you are praying.

God, protect Pete! May he be a blessing to those he is around and may he show your glory. May he bring honor to your name. Bring him home safe to his family and friends. May his year go by fast. You can do anything! Please grant this request. In the name of your precious Son and my Savior, Amen!

Thanks for lifting him up in your prayers. I know his wife will appreciate it.

Thursday, October 20, 2005


What would it look like if we emphasized spiritual transformation? Conversion has been taught and abused (if I may say so)! But transformation? Nothing. Transformation speaks of journey. God's Spirit is transforming my spirit into what God intended all along.

That speaks to me. Transformation says even though I am not all together and sometimes my life isn't together at all, God is still continuing his saving work in my life and the life of the church. What if we taught transformation? Would we be more loving? Would we be more forgiving? Would we be more willing to extend grace and less quick to judge (because they do not look like us and I am not writing about our belief dogmas)?

Going a journey with God speaks of excitement, danger, and security. Going on a journey with God speaks of holiness, love, and faith. Going on a journey with God speaks of compassion to less fortunate, the blind seeing, and the lame walking. Going on a journey with God speaks of His Kingdom on this earth not just in the eschaton but NOW!

I desire to journey with God like that! Anybody with me?

Saturday, October 15, 2005


We have two dogs. My wife's dog lives inside with us and my dog, Maximus (his name should resonate how big he is) lives outside. This week Daisy got really sick. She could not keep anything down. I will save the details from you. We went to the vet on Wednesday. All of us were effected by our sick dog. Julie was worried. I was trying help where I could. Maximus didn't get the normal nose touching from Daisy.

There was uncertainty in the air. She is all better now. A shot and some medicine later makes thing better. It is interesting how dogs become part of the family. When they become sick, the whole family is affected.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Knife of Dreams

I can't wait. Tomorrow is the day. Book Eleven (that's right eleven) of the Wheel of Time series written by Robert Jordan. I am predicting a Borders stop on the way to the office Tuesday morning.

The evil empire lost tonight. Cheers for the halos.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Post Christian

I have been looking for where youth ministry has been needing to go for some time. I have read and read and read about postmodernity. I have been excited and disillusioned at the same time with the postmodernity mindset. I knew it was not going to last. Postmodernity (in my opinion) is a house divided. It is only a matter of time before it begins (if has not already) to collapse on itself. I was down at ElderLink at sponsored by Abilene Christian University. I heard a phrase that I had heard before but it was defined in a new way. The speaker defined the West as a Post Christian place. Augustine made Christian beliefs the norm for culture. And we have been living in this "norm" for hundreds of years. Now for the first time in a long time, Christian beliefs are not the norm. Christianity on the west coast has been pushed to the margins and even had hostility vented against it. The margins. Think about that. The margins! Christianity has not been in the margins for a long time. When the Church was being persecuted early in the first century, Christians lived in the margins. Persecuted. Look down upon. Humble. Living day to day by the Spirit. It is going to be good in the margins again. Hello youth ministry in the margins.