Thursday, October 27, 2005


I attempting to write a parable. I am using a swimming metaphor. I am trying to be blunt but not blunt (much like parables). Hopefully this attempt will do what I am desiring it to do. When it is done I will post it and let you read it.

White Sox rule!

One of my best friends leaves Monday for Iraq. He has already been there once. It wasn't that hard last time, but this time is different. We are much closer. AND, he has a baby girl now. It is going to be tough. I pray God will protect him. Pray a prayer for my friend if you don't mind when you are praying.

God, protect Pete! May he be a blessing to those he is around and may he show your glory. May he bring honor to your name. Bring him home safe to his family and friends. May his year go by fast. You can do anything! Please grant this request. In the name of your precious Son and my Savior, Amen!

Thanks for lifting him up in your prayers. I know his wife will appreciate it.