Thursday, October 20, 2005


What would it look like if we emphasized spiritual transformation? Conversion has been taught and abused (if I may say so)! But transformation? Nothing. Transformation speaks of journey. God's Spirit is transforming my spirit into what God intended all along.

That speaks to me. Transformation says even though I am not all together and sometimes my life isn't together at all, God is still continuing his saving work in my life and the life of the church. What if we taught transformation? Would we be more loving? Would we be more forgiving? Would we be more willing to extend grace and less quick to judge (because they do not look like us and I am not writing about our belief dogmas)?

Going a journey with God speaks of excitement, danger, and security. Going on a journey with God speaks of holiness, love, and faith. Going on a journey with God speaks of compassion to less fortunate, the blind seeing, and the lame walking. Going on a journey with God speaks of His Kingdom on this earth not just in the eschaton but NOW!

I desire to journey with God like that! Anybody with me?