Sunday, June 11, 2006


Something amazing happens every 4 years--the World Cup. I am a soccer (football) fan. I grew up playing the sport and love to sit and watch the competition that a good soccer game brings. Not many people enjoy soccer. The major criticism is the lack of scoring. Some games even end in a tie (heaven forbid). It is amazing the watch the crowds. For months now commercials have been touting the coming of the World Cup. My favorite has been the Scotland fans. You see them walking together and the moderator of the commercial says that even though Scotland did not make the World Cup--the fans will be there to support Scotland.

Only in the World Cup! Fans show up to support their team but their team doesn't make it. And the fans know in advance but they still go. That's passion.

Soccer has been growing in popularity over the past decade. Supposedly they are expecting 3 billion people to tune and watch. 3 billion! One of our biggest games--the Superbowl--only had 144.4 million viewers. There is a big difference between 144.4 million and 3 BILLION! That's passion on the worldwide scale!

If you watch the crowds during game, they never sit down. They are never quiet! They dress up in team colors. They travel great distances. That's passion!

What if all the Christians united and had that kind of passion for their relationship with God and with other believers? I start drooling when I think about that! Supposedly there are 2.1 billion Christians in the world. Imagine with me for a minute a passionate mobilization of 2.1 billion people. 2.1 billion people sold out for God. My eyes are getting wide and a small smile beginning to creep into my face. Passion!

Let's take a lesson from the fans of soccer and get some passion for our relationship with God!


Adam Wolfgang said...

I don't know, my competitive side doesn't like ties. Come on tie? That is so PC it makes me barf. They could at least settle the ties with a big fight, then I'd watch. Last one standing wins! = Awsome!

JNW said...

soccer...grown people chasing a little white ball and kicking it...come on people why do you think God gave you hands?

Tim said...

Think of it. We already know who wins. Shouldn't that make us cheer even louder?