Monday, February 26, 2007

Random things

Here are some of my random thoughts lately. . .

  1. Reese changed everyday. My little girl is changing constantly. Slow down please.
  2. I have given up being angry for Lent. It has been going mostly good. Still get angry some times but God is helping me realize it and overcome it.
  3. My friend was diagnosed with breast cancer. I am always praying for you Terri.
  4. Go Kansas Jayhawks! Maybe this is the year.
  5. PMC went well last weekend. I am looking forward to the adventure.
  6. Northwest Youthworkers retreat is this weekend. I need to finish up the material for the weekend. I am excited about God's presence.
  7. I love my wife!
  8. I am living in God's story. What part am I playing out right now?

1 comment:

Deborah said...

Thank you for sharing your random thoughts. I wish mine were that profound! Now how about some new pictures of Reese??